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Auteur Fatih Tonguç |
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Effects of temperature on the germination of Fraxinus ornus subsp. cilicica seeds / Mustafa Yilmaz in Dendrobiology, 69 (2013)
Titre : Effects of temperature on the germination of Fraxinus ornus subsp. cilicica seeds Type de document : Imprimé Auteurs : Mustafa Yilmaz ; Fatih Tonguç Année de publication : 2013 Article en page(s) : 111-115 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : [CBNPMP-Thématique] Dormance
[CBNPMP-Thématique] Plantes subspontanées, naturalisées, envahissantes
[CBNPMP-Thématique] Rôle de la température en physiologie végétale
[CBNPMP-Thématique] Stratégie de conservation ex situMots-clés : Fraxinus ornus subsp. Résumé : The present study was carried out to determine the effect of temperature on the seed germination of Fraxinus ornus subsp. cilicica, an endemic taxa on Taurus Mountains in Southern Turkey. Seeds from the three provenances were collected and prechilled for 16 weeks before the germination tests. Germination tests were conducted at constant temperatures (5, 15, 20, 25°C) and at alternating temperatures (5~15, 5~20, 5~25, 15~25°C). Temperature treatments were effective on germination percentage and mean germination time. The highest and the lowest germinability were obtained at the 5–15°C (73.3%) alternating and 25°C (9.8%) con- stant temperatures, respectively. Mean germination time greatly differed at various temperature regimes. Germination accelerated with increased constant temperatures while it was relatively similar speed at alternating temperatures used in the tests. Seed sources had also an effect on the final germination percentage. Permalink : https://biblio.cbnpmp.fr/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=154136
in Dendrobiology > 69 (2013) . - 111-115Yilmaz, Mustafa, Tonguç, Fatih 2013 Effects of temperature on the germination of Fraxinus ornus subsp. cilicica seeds. Dendrobiology, 69: 111-115.Documents numériques
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