CBNPMP-Thématique > # termes cbnpmp non classés > Communauté végétale
Communauté végétale
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Short-term climate-induced change in French plant communities / Gabrielle Martin in Biology letters, 15 (7) (July 2019)
Titre : Short-term climate-induced change in French plant communities Type de document : Imprimé Auteurs : Gabrielle Martin ; Vincent Devictor (1978-) ; Eric Motard ; Nathalie Machon ; Emmanuelle Porcher (1976-) Année de publication : 0209 Article en page(s) : 20190280 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : [CBNPMP-Thématique] Changement climatique
[CBNPMP-Thématique] Communauté végétaleRésumé : Latitudinal and altitudinal range shifts in response to climate change have been reported for numerous animal species, especially those with high dispersal capacities. In plants, the impact of climate change on species distribution or community composition has been documented mainly over long periods (decades) and in specific habitats, often forests. Here, we broaden the results of such long-term, focused studies by examining climate-driven changes in plant community composition over a large area (France) encompassing multiple habitat types and over a short period (2009–2017). To this end, we measured mean community thermal preference, calculated as the community-weighted mean of the Ellenberg temperature indicator value, using data from a standardized participatory monitoring scheme. We report a rapid increase in the mean thermal preference of plant communities at national and regional scales, which we relate to climate change. This reshuffling of plant community composition corresponds to a relative increase in the abundance of warm- versus cold-adapted species. However, support for this trend was weaker when considering only the common species, including common annuals. Our results thus suggest for the first time that the response of plant communities to climate change involves subtle changes affecting all species rare and common, which can nonetheless be detected over short time periods. Whether such changes are sufficient to cope with the current climate warming remains to be ascertained. Lien pérenne : DOI : 10.1098/rsbl.2019.0280 Permalink :
in Biology letters > 15 (7) (July 2019) . - 20190280Martin, Gabrielle, Devictor, Vincent (1978-), Motard, Eric, Machon, Nathalie, Porcher, Emmanuelle (1976-) 0209 Short-term climate-induced change in French plant communities. Biology letters, 15(7): 20190280.Documents numériques
Article (2019)URL Weed diversity is driven by complexinterplay between multi-scale dispersaland local filtering / Bérenger Bourgeois in Proceedings of the Royal Society. Biological Sciences, 287 (1930) (2020)
Titre : Weed diversity is driven by complexinterplay between multi-scale dispersaland local filtering Type de document : Imprimé Auteurs : Bérenger Bourgeois ; Sabrina Gaba (1978-) ; Christine Plumejeaud ; Vincent Bretagnolle Année de publication : 2020 Article en page(s) : 20201118 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : [CBNPMP-Thématique] Communauté végétale
[CBNPMP-Thématique] BiodiversitéRésumé : Arable weeds are key organisms for biodiversity maintenance and ecosystem service provision in agroecosystems. Disentangling the drivers of weed diversity is critical to counteract the global decline of farmland biodiversity. Even if distinct scale-dependent processes were alternatively proposed, no general framework unifying the multi-scale drivers of weed dynamics has yet emerged. Here, we investigate the joint effects of field- and landscape-scale processes on weed assemblages in 444 arable fields. First, field margins sheltered greater weed diversity than field core, evidencing their role as biodiversity refugia. Second, community similarity between field core and margin decreased with the distance to margin, highlighting a major role of local dispersal. Third, weed diversity at field margins increased with organic field cover in the landscape, pointing out massive regional dispersal. Fourth, while both local and landscape dispersal explained up to 41% of field core weed diversity, crop type strongly modulated their strength, depicting an intense filtering effect by agricultural management. This study sheds new light on the complex multi-scale interactions shaping weed diversity, field margins playing a key role by strengthening regional dispersal and sustaining local dispersal. Land-sharing strategies improving habitat heterogeneity both locally and regionally should largely promote agroecosystem multifunctionality and sustainability. Lien pérenne : DOI : 10.1098/rspb.2020.1118 Permalink :
in Proceedings of the Royal Society. Biological Sciences > 287 (1930) (2020) . - 20201118Bourgeois, Bérenger, Gaba, Sabrina (1978-), Plumejeaud, Christine, Bretagnolle, Vincent 2020 Weed diversity is driven by complexinterplay between multi-scale dispersaland local filtering. Proceedings of the Royal Society. Biological Sciences, 287(1930): 20201118.Documents numériques
Article (2020)URL