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Auteur Llorenç Sáez |
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Additions, corrections and comments to the Red List of bryophytes from mainland Spain and the Balearic Islands / Llorenç Sáez in Mediterranean botany, 40 (1) (2019)
Titre : Additions, corrections and comments to the Red List of bryophytes from mainland Spain and the Balearic Islands Type de document : Numérique Auteurs : Llorenç Sáez ; Elena Ruiz ; Montserrat Brugués Année de publication : 2019 Article en page(s) : 3-20 Langues : Français (fre) Catégories : [CBNPMP-Thématique] Bryophytes Résumé : This article is a review of the conservation status of several taxa of bryophytes that were included in the Red List of Mainland Spain and the Balearic Islands, and those that were omitted, but should have been featured on the basis of most recent data. Of the 33 studied species that were regarded as threatened in the Red List, 31 have been downlisted upon re-evaluation, mostly as a result of better knowledge of species and their distribution. On the other hand, this study highlights the most urgent need to review all taxa assigned to the “Deficient Data” category in the Red List since most of these taxa are precisely the most likely to be truly threatened Lien pérenne : DOI : 10.5209/MBOT.60041 Permalink : https://biblio.cbnpmp.fr/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=143303
in Mediterranean botany > 40 (1) (2019) . - 3-20Sáez, Llorenç, Ruiz, Elena, Brugués, Montserrat 2019 Additions, corrections and comments to the Red List of bryophytes from mainland Spain and the Balearic Islands. Mediterranean botany, 40(1): 3-20.Documents numériques
Article (2019)URL An annotated checklist of the vascular plants of Catalonia (northeastean Iberian Peninsula) / Llorenç Sáez (2021)
Titre : An annotated checklist of the vascular plants of Catalonia (northeastean Iberian Peninsula) Type de document : Numérique Auteurs : Llorenç Sáez ; Pere Aymerich Editeur : Barcelone : Kit-book Serveis Editorials Année de publication : 2021 Importance : 720 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-84-12-48502-8 Langues : Français (fre) Catégories : [CBNPMP-Géographique] Catalogne
[CBNPMP-Thématique] Flore
[CBNPMP-Thématique] Inventaire floristique
[CBNPMP-Thématique] Systématique, taxonomieRésumé : An updated and annotated checklist of the vascular plants of Catalonia (northeastern Iberian Peninsula) is provided, based on a critical review of literature, examination of herbarium specimens, as well as field work. Native and both naturalised and casual alien taxa are included. The native flora consists of 3460 taxa (at species and subspecies level) plus 260 hybrids. The vascular alien includes 1128 taxa; 613 (54.3%) out of them are casual and 515 (45.7%) are established. For each taxon documented, information of its distribution and relative abundance in the study area are given. For native taxa Red List categories are provided, while for non-native taxa the degree of establishment in the study area is given. The most important changes in several aspects such as taxonomy, new described taxa and new occurrences are indicated. Permalink : https://biblio.cbnpmp.fr/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=145458 Sáez, Llorenç, Aymerich, Pere , 2021. An annotated checklist of the vascular plants of Catalonia (northeastean Iberian Peninsula). Kit-book Serveis Editorials, Barcelone. 720 pp.Documents numériques
Livre (2021)Adobe Acrobat PDF
Titre : Aportacions a la flora dels Pirineus centrals (II) Type de document : Numérique Auteurs : Moisès Guardiola ; Albert Petit ; Empar Carrillo ; Aaron Pérez-Haase ; Efrem Batriu ; Josep Maria Ninot i Sugrañes (1955-) ; Llorenç Sáez Année de publication : 2013 Article en page(s) : 261-286 Langues : Catalan (cat) Catégories : [CBNPMP-Thématique] Flore
[CBNPMP-Géographique] Pyrénées centralesRésumé : Here we report new data concerning 58 rare plants, mainly recorded in the Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici National Park or in neighbouring areas (from Vall d’Aran to Andorra). For each taxon, we discuss the phytogeographic interest of the new locations given, according to the present knowledge of the Pyrenean flora. Festuca alpina Suter subsp. riverae Chas, Kerguélen & Plonka and Trisetum spicatum (L.) K. Richt. subsp. ovatipan-iculatum Hultén ex Jonsell become novelties for the Catalan flora, and we confirm the presence of Lathyrus bauhinii Genty and Trisetum baregense Laffite & Miégeville. In other cases, the new data improve the distributional knowledge of rare plants in the above-mentioned area or in Catalonia. Permalink : https://biblio.cbnpmp.fr/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=143524
in Orsis > 27 (2013) . - 261-286Guardiola, Moisès, Petit, Albert, Carrillo, Empar, Pérez-Haase, Aaron, Batriu, Efrem, Ninot i Sugrañes, Josep Maria (1955-), Sáez, Llorenç 2013 Aportacions a la flora dels Pirineus centrals (II). Orsis, 27: 261-286.Documents numériques
Article (2013)Adobe Acrobat PDF Catàleg de plantes vasculars endèmiques, rares o amenaçades de Catalunya. I. Tàxons endèmics / Llorenç Sáez in Acta Botanica Barcinonensia, 45 (1998)
Titre : Catàleg de plantes vasculars endèmiques, rares o amenaçades de Catalunya. I. Tàxons endèmics Type de document : Imprimé Auteurs : Llorenç Sáez ; Josep A. Rosselló ; Josep Vigo i Bonada (1937-) Année de publication : 1998 Article en page(s) : 309-321 Langues : Catalan (cat) Catégories : [CBNPMP-Géographique] Catalogne
[CBNPMP-Thématique] FloreRésumé : Aquest és el primer dels articles que dedicarem a les plantes rares o amenaçades de Catalunya. Hi cataloguem un total de 279 tàxons de rang específic o subespecífic endèmics, en sentir ample, del nordest de la península lbèrica, i els avaluem pel que fa al seu estar de conservació atenent els criteris de la IUCN (1994). L'assignació d' aquestes plantes a les diferents categories establertes ens ha donar els resultats següents: 6 tàxons en perill crític (CR), 5 en perill (EN), 32 de vulnerables (VU), 5 de quasi amenaçats (LR nt), 84 de poc preocupants (LR lc), 116 de no amenaçats (NT) i 31 de no prou estudiats (DD). Cal remarcar el petit nombre de taxons que gaudeixen actualment de mesures proteccionistes de caràcter legal, en comparació amb els que es troben realment amenaçats. Permalink : https://biblio.cbnpmp.fr/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=154159
in Acta Botanica Barcinonensia > 45 (1998) . - 309-321Sáez, Llorenç, Rosselló, Josep A., Vigo i Bonada, Josep (1937-) 1998 Catàleg de plantes vasculars endèmiques, rares o amenaçades de Catalunya. I. Tàxons endèmics. Acta Botanica Barcinonensia, 45: 309-321.Documents numériques
Article (1998)URL Checklist of the vascular alien flora of Catalonia (northeastern Iberian Peninsula, Spain) / Pere Aymerich in Mediterranean botany, 40 (2) (2019)
Titre : Checklist of the vascular alien flora of Catalonia (northeastern Iberian Peninsula, Spain) Type de document : Imprimé Auteurs : Pere Aymerich ; Llorenç Sáez Année de publication : 2019 Article en page(s) : 215-242 Langues : Anglais (eng) Espagnol (spa) Catégories : [CBNPMP-Thématique] Plantes subspontanées, naturalisées, envahissantes Résumé : This is an inventory of the vascular alien flora of Catalonia (northeastern Iberian Peninsula, Spain) updated to 2018, representing 1068 alien taxa in total. 554 (52.0%) out of them are casual and 514 (48.0%) are established. 87 taxa (8.1% of the total number and 16.8 % of those established) show an invasive behaviour. The geographic zone with more alien plants is the most anthropogenic maritime area. However, the differences among regions decrease when the degree of naturalization of taxa increases and the number of invaders is very similar in all sectors. Only 26.2% of the taxa are more or less abundant, while the rest are rare or they have vanished. The alien flora is represented by 115 families, 87 out of them include naturalised species. The most diverse genera are Opuntia (20 taxa), Amaranthus (18 taxa) and Solanum (15 taxa). Most of the alien plants have been introduced since the beginning of the twentieth century (70.7%), with a strong increase since 1970 (50.3% of the total number). Almost two thirds of alien taxa have their origin in Euro-Mediterranean area and America, while 24.6% come from other geographical areas. The taxa originated in cultivation represent 9.5%, whereas spontaneous hybrids only 1.2%. From the temporal point of view, the rate of Euro-Mediterranean taxa shows a progressive reduction parallel to an increase of those of other origins, which have reached 73.2% of introductions during the last 50 years. The most important way of introduction is gardening (58.0%), followed by agriculture and commerce, while forestry is marginal. Invasive taxa mainly come from gardening and trade, but the proportion of the latter that become invasive is higher (6.1% and 15.6%, respectively). Most of the established aliens are annual and perennial forbs, while other biological types are less represented. Annual and perennial forbs are also dominant among the invasive alien species, although there is a noticeable increase of trees and climbers Lien pérenne : DOI : 10.5209/mbot.63608 Permalink : https://biblio.cbnpmp.fr/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=154115
in Mediterranean botany > 40 (2) (2019) . - 215-242Aymerich, Pere, Sáez, Llorenç 2019 Checklist of the vascular alien flora of Catalonia (northeastern Iberian Peninsula, Spain). Mediterranean botany, 40(2): 215-242.Documents numériques
article (2019)URL Consultable
Table (2019)URL Distribució i ecologia de Woodsia alpina (Bolton) S.F. Gray a Catalunya i als Pirineus / Moisès Guardiola in Butlletí de la Institutió Catalana d'Historia Natural, Secció de Botánica, 75 (2009)
PermalinkEvaluación taxonómica de la variabilidad intraespecífica de Galium brockmannii (Rubiaceae) / Llorenç Sáez in Acta Botanica Barcinonensia, 49 (2003)
PermalinkInteres floristico y geobotanico de la sierra de Alcubierre (Monegros, Aragon) / Juliàn Molero Briones (1998)
PermalinkLimonium carvalhoi (Plumbaginaceae), a new endemic species from the Balearic Islands / Josep A. Rosselló in Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid (1979), 56 (1) (1998)
PermalinkNotas sobre el genero Rhinanthus L. (Scrophulariaceae) en la Peninsula Iberica / Llorenç Sáez (2000)
PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPhylogeny and species delimitation of Campanula Sect. Heterophylla (Campanulaceae) in the Pyrenean‑Cantabrian Mountains, with a focus on the endemic C. jaubertiana / Cristina Roquet (2020)
PermalinkPlantas parasitas de la peninsula Iberica e islas Baleares / José Antonio López-Sáez (2002)
PermalinkPlantes vasculars del quadrat UTM 31S DE80, Puig Major (Mallorca) / Llorenç Sáez (1997)