Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (39)

Aliens just a click away: the online aquarium trade in Italy / Giuseppe Mazza in Management of biological invasions, 6 (3) (2015)
Titre : Aliens just a click away: the online aquarium trade in Italy Type de document : Imprimé Auteurs : Giuseppe Mazza ; Laura Aquiloni ; Alberto Francesco Inghilesi ; Claudia Giuliani ; Lorenzo Lazzaro ; Giulio Ferretti ; Lorenzo Lastrucci ; Bruno Foggi ; Elena Tricarico Année de publication : 2015 Article en page(s) : 253-261 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : [CBNPMP-Géographique] Italie
[CBNPMP-Thématique] Plantes subspontanées, naturalisées, envahissantes
[CBNPMP-Thématique] Eaux douces
[CBNPMP-Thématique] Eaux marines et littoral marinRésumé : The aquarium trade moves thousands of species around the globe, opening the door to unwanted organisms being released into fresh and marine waters, with subsequent adverse ecological and economic impacts. Unlike ballast waters, the commerce of ornamental pets and the aquarium trade have only recently been recognized as major pathways for the introduction of fish, invertebrates and plants, with online commerce in particular being a thriving business. Here, we report the results of the first study on the online aquarium trade in Italy. We examined 54 online aquarium shops and collected data about the animals and plants sold. For each species, information about its native range, reproduction, feeding habits, pathways, impacts, status in Italy and price were gathered, in order to identify previously recorded or potentially invasive species for Italy. Freshwater fish and plants represent the most sold taxa, and mainly come from the Americas. Most animals are omnivorous, and the plants can reproduce through both reproduction modalities (asexual/sexual). Half of the traded plants have already been introduced outside their native range; however, the majority of the species sold have not yet been recorded in the wild in Italy. As expected, a high percentage of the sold species are reportedly introduced due to escape/release for ornamental purposes. Data on their impact is scanty and mainly concerns the already known invasive species and their ecological damage. Although the multilevel impact exerted by invasive species is recognized worldwide, in Italy the average price of invaders is quite low, thus favoring their purchase. In addition, considering the nation’s growing number of aquarists, the probability of releasing potentially invasive species through the online trade is very high: more information, accurately presented information for buyers and stakeholders, and appropriate regulations may change this trade in order to reduce the risk of new invasions. Lien pérenne : DOI : 10.3391/mbi.2015.6.3.04 Permalink :
in Management of biological invasions > 6 (3) (2015) . - 253-261Mazza, Giuseppe, Aquiloni, Laura, Inghilesi, Alberto Francesco, Giuliani, Claudia, Lazzaro, Lorenzo, Ferretti, Giulio, Lastrucci, Lorenzo, Foggi, Bruno, Tricarico, Elena 2015 Aliens just a click away: the online aquarium trade in Italy. Management of biological invasions, 6(3): 253-261.Documents numériques
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Titre : Carex curvula All. subsp. rosae Gilomen in Piemonte e in Valle d'Aosta Type de document : Imprimé Auteurs : Giovanna Dal Vesco ; Lorenzo Vilizzi Année de publication : 1994 Article en page(s) : 391-394 Langues : Italien (ita) Catégories : [CBNPMP-Géographique] Italie Mots-clés : Carex curvula All. ssp. rosae Gilomen Note de contenu : Actes du colloque "Ecologie et biogéographie alpines" de septembre 1990 Permalink :
in Revue valdôtaine d'histoire naturelle > 48 (suppl.) (1994) . - 391-394Dal Vesco, Giovanna, Vilizzi, Lorenzo 1994 Carex curvula All. subsp. rosae Gilomen in Piemonte e in Valle d'Aosta. Revue valdôtaine d'histoire naturelle, 48(suppl.): 391-394.Clitocybe racemophila découverte d'une nouvelle station et compléments d'observations / Franco Gasparini in Bulletin trimestriel de la Société mycologique de France, 123 (3-4) (2007)
Titre : Clitocybe racemophila découverte d'une nouvelle station et compléments d'observations Type de document : Imprimé Auteurs : Franco Gasparini Année de publication : 2007 Article en page(s) : 323-326 Langues : Français (fre) Catégories : [CBNPMP-Thématique] Champignons
[CBNPMP-Géographique] ItalieMots-clés : Clitocybe racemophila Grancona Permalink :
in Bulletin trimestriel de la Société mycologique de France > 123 (3-4) (2007) . - 323-326Gasparini, Franco 2007 Clitocybe racemophila découverte d'une nouvelle station et compléments d'observations. Bulletin trimestriel de la Société mycologique de France, 123(3-4): 323-326.Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité R8783 P-38 Revue Bureaux Mycologie Consultable Comparison of different restoration techniques and seed mixtures in the revegetation of two ski-runs in NE Italy / Elisa Diana (2006)
est un extrait de Soil-bioengineering : Ecological Restoration with native plants an seed material / Bernhard Krautzer (2006)
Titre : Comparison of different restoration techniques and seed mixtures in the revegetation of two ski-runs in NE Italy Type de document : Extrait d'ouvrage Auteurs : Elisa Diana ; Giovanni Peratoner ; Matteo Dainese Année de publication : 2006 Importance : p. 233 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : [CBNPMP-Thématique] Revégétalisation
[CBNPMP-Géographique] ItalieNote de contenu : Conference 5-9 September 2006 Permalink : Diana, Elisa, Peratoner, Giovanni, Dainese, Matteo 2006 Comparison of different restoration techniques and seed mixtures in the revegetation of two ski-runs in NE Italy. In: Soil-bioengineering : Ecological Restoration with native plants an seed material. HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, Irdning: 233.Contribution à l'étude des forêts de l'étage supraméditerranéen de l'Italie méridionale / Gilles Bonin (1976)
Titre : Contribution à l'étude des forêts de l'étage supraméditerranéen de l'Italie méridionale Type de document : Tiré à part de revue Auteurs : Gilles Bonin ; Jacques Gamisans (1944-2015) Année de publication : 1976 Importance : 73-88 Langues : Français (fre) Catégories : [CBNPMP-Géographique] Italie Permalink : Bonin, Gilles, Gamisans, Jacques (1944-2015) 1976 Contribution à l'étude des forêts de l'étage supraméditerranéen de l'Italie méridionale. Documents phytosociologiques, 19-20 : 73-88.Exemplaires (1)
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PermalinkEvolution de pâturages abandonnés dans les landes du massif du mont Grappa (Vénétie, nord-est de l'Italie) / Flavio Da Ronch in Acta botanica gallica, 155 (1) (03/2008)
PermalinkFiori delle Alpi Liguri e Marittime : Specie rare e itinerari tra Marguareis e Argentera ; Flowers of the ligurian and maritime alps / Ivan Pace (2017)
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PermalinkFungi Fimicoli Italici / Francesco Doveri (2004)
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PermalinkLa hêtraie pluri-séculaire de la vallée Cervara (Parc national des Abruzzes, Italie) / Bartolomeo Schirone in Acta botanica gallica, 152 (4) (12/2005)
PermalinkI Funghi dal vero, 1. I Funghi dal vero / Bruno Cetto (1982)