CBNPMP-Thématique > # termes cbnpmp non classés > Diversité botanique
Diversité botanique
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Agricultural intensification erodes taxonomic and functional diversity in Mediterranean olive groves by filtering out rare species / Rubén Tarifa in Journal of applied ecology, 58 (10) (2021)
Titre : Agricultural intensification erodes taxonomic and functional diversity in Mediterranean olive groves by filtering out rare species Type de document : Imprimé Auteurs : Rubén Tarifa ; Carlos Martínez-Núñez ; Francisco Valera ; Juan P. González-Varo ; Teresa Salido ; Pedro J. Rey Année de publication : 2021 Article en page(s) : 2266-2276 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : [CBNPMP-Thématique] Diversité botanique
[CBNPMP-Thématique] Agriculture et environnement
[CBNPMP-Géographique] MéditerranéeRésumé : 1 Agri-Environmental Schemes (AES) have been proposed to mitigate the impact of agriculture on both taxonomic and functional biodiversity. However, a better knowledge of the mechanisms involved in the loss of agrobiodiversity is needed to implement efficient AES. An unbalanced effort on research towards arable lands compared to permanent crops, and on fauna relative to plants, is patent, which limits the generalization of AES effectiveness.
2 We evaluated the effects of agricultural management and landscape simplification on taxonomic and functional diversity of the ground herb cover of 40 olive groves. We use a recently developed approach based on Hill numbers (rare, common and dominant species based) to analyse taxonomic and functional dissimilarity between farms with contrasting agricultural practices, and its potential attenuation by landscape complexity. We further explore the filtering effect of agricultural intensification on functional traits, and the relationship between functional and species richness across landscapes.
3 We found that taxonomic and functional dissimilarity of herb assemblages between intensively and low-intensively managed fields was mainly due to rare species. Dissimilarity decreased as landscape complexity increased, evidencing that complex landscapes attenuate the impact of agriculture intensification on herb assemblage composition. Agricultural intensification favoured more functionally homogeneous assemblages and disfavoured the herbs pollinated by insects, while it did not seem to affect wind-pollinated species.
4 Overall, functional richness increased exponentially with species richness across landscapes, but the latter was insufficient to drive any clear enhancement in functional richness in simple landscapes. In contrast, high species richness accelerated the enhancement in functional richness in intermediate and complex landscapes. These results highlight the functional filtering that intensive agriculture has generated for decades in homogeneous olive-dominated landscapes.
5 Synthesis and applications. Herb cover is essential to support the fauna of permanent croplands and their sustainable production. Hence, Agri-Environmental Schemes (AES) in these croplands should promote management practices favouring the diversity and functionality of herb assemblages. Such AES should be particularly prioritized in homogeneous landscapes, where ground herb cover composition and function has long been homogenized to a great extent.
Lien pérenne : DOI : 10.1111/1365-2664.13970 Permalink :
in Journal of applied ecology > 58 (10) (2021) . - 2266-2276Tarifa, Rubén, Martínez-Núñez, Carlos, Valera, Francisco, González-Varo, Juan P., Salido, Teresa, Rey, Pedro J. 2021 Agricultural intensification erodes taxonomic and functional diversity in Mediterranean olive groves by filtering out rare species. Journal of applied ecology, 58(10): 2266-2276.Documents numériques
article (2021)URLBiodiversité végétale des vignobles de Gironde, Bilan du programme d’inventaire 2018-2022 / Aurélien Caillon (2022)
Titre : Biodiversité végétale des vignobles de Gironde, Bilan du programme d’inventaire 2018-2022 Type de document : Imprimé Auteurs : Aurélien Caillon Editeur : Audenge : Conservatoire Botanique National Sud-Atlantique Année de publication : 2022 Importance : 78 p. Langues : Français (fre) Catégories : [CBNPMP-Thématique] Biodiversité
[CBNPMP-Thématique] Diversité botanique
[CBNPMP-Thématique] Messicole
[CBNPMP-Géographique] Gironde (France)Permalink : Caillon, Aurélien , 2022. Biodiversité végétale des vignobles de Gironde, Bilan du programme d’inventaire 2018-2022. Conservatoire Botanique National Sud-Atlantique, Audenge. 78 pp.Documents numériques
document (2022)URLClose to the edge: Spatial variation in plant diversity, biomass and floral resources in conventional and agri-environment cereal fields / Laura M. E. Sutcliffe in Journal of applied ecology, 61 (9) (2024)
Titre : Close to the edge: Spatial variation in plant diversity, biomass and floral resources in conventional and agri-environment cereal fields Type de document : Imprimé Auteurs : Laura M. E. Sutcliffe ; Jenny Schellenberg ; Stefan Meyer ; Christoph Leuschner (1956-) Année de publication : 2024 Article en page(s) : 2075-2086 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : [CBNPMP-Thématique] Diversité botanique
[CBNPMP-Thématique] Messicole
[CBNPMP-Thématique] PollinisateurRésumé : 1. Non-crop (segetal) plants in arable systems are commonly perceived simply as ‘weeds’, that is, harmful at worst and undesirable at best. The increase in management intensity in European arable systems has vastly reduced the populations of all but the most disturbance-tolerant plant species, negatively impacting the whole agricultural food web. In recent years, efforts have been made to promote agricultural biodiversity through measures such as flower strips and unsprayed field margins. However, studies of their impacts on the arable flora have rarely considered their spatial variation within the crop field.
2. We investigated the spatial distribution of vascular plant species richness and their contribution to the food web via biomass and flower units in conventional and agri-environment cereal fields in six regions of Germany. We studied two types of in-crop measures (extensive cereals without pesticides or fertiliser, and with or without intercropping with flowering species) and one adjacent measure (neighbouring flower strip), recording at 1-m intervals from the field edge to the interior. These results were then extrapolated to illustrate the effects of these measures on resource provision at the field scale.
3. Species richness and plant biomass dropped off sharply after the first metre in the conventional treatments, regardless of the adjacent habitat. The ‘extensive’ treatments maintained a much higher level of diversity and resource provision in the field interior. At the field level, this can mean more than a 60-fold difference in the provision of flowering resources between conventional management (1900 flower units/ha) and agri-environment measures (AEMs) (127,000 units/ha for extensive cereals).
4. Synthesis and applications. The strong edge effects we found in conventional cultivation support the premise that reducing field sizes could play a role in promoting in-crop biodiversity. However, incorporating extensive field margins as an AEM would be more efficient at maximising the diversity of generalists whilst maintaining high yields.
Lien pérenne : DOI : 10.1111/1365-2664.14737 Permalink :
in Journal of applied ecology > 61 (9) (2024) . - 2075-2086Sutcliffe, Laura M. E., Schellenberg, Jenny, Meyer, Stefan, Leuschner, Christoph (1956-) 2024 Close to the edge: Spatial variation in plant diversity, biomass and floral resources in conventional and agri-environment cereal fields. Journal of applied ecology, 61(9): 2075-2086.Documents numériques
article (2024)URLComparison between flaming, mowing and tillage weed control in the vineyard: Effects on plant community, diversity and abundance / Matia Mainardis in PloS ONE, 15 (8) (8/2020)
Titre : Comparison between flaming, mowing and tillage weed control in the vineyard: Effects on plant community, diversity and abundance Type de document : Imprimé Auteurs : Matia Mainardis ; Francesco Boscutti ; Maria del Mar Rubio Cebolla ; Gianfranco Pergher ; Maria del Mar Rubio Cebolla Année de publication : 2020 Article en page(s) : e0238396 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : [CBNPMP-Thématique] Biodiversité
[CBNPMP-Thématique] Diversité botanique
[CBNPMP-Thématique] Germination
[CBNPMP-Thématique] Messicole
[CBNPMP-Thématique] Semences
[CBNPMP-Thématique] Formation herbeuse, ligneuse (vigne, verger..)Résumé : The effect of different management techniques for plant control in the vineyard were compared in the present work, focusing on plant diversity preservation and management efficacy in a two-year experiment on vineyard row weed community. Biomass-fueled flame weeding (with two intensities) was applied as an innovative plant control technique in contrast to tillage and mowing practices. The results showed that flaming was comparable to tillage regarding weed control effectiveness, and was more efficient than mowing. However, species number and functional evenness were not substantially modified by changing the applied management technique. Functional trait analysis demonstrated that row management significantly affected the frequency of annual plants, plant height, root depth index, and the occurrence of plants with storage organs. As for species composition, meaningful differences were found: only the two flaming treatments (i.e. gentle vs intense) and the gentle flaming vs mowing had consistent species composition. Flame wedding showed some potential benefits in plant control in the vineyard by favouring small plant and controlling overall weed abundance. On the other hand, flaming favoured plant species with asexual reproduction, with a potential negative impact on weed-vine competition and species persistence in the vineyard. Further studies are required to investigate such contrasting aspects, also considering other weed control techniques (e.g. cover-crops), considering a sustainable perspective of an herbicide-free environment. Lien pérenne : DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0238396 Permalink :
in PloS ONE > 15 (8) (8/2020) . - e0238396Mainardis, Matia, Boscutti, Francesco, Mar Rubio Cebolla, Maria del, Pergher, Gianfranco 2020 Comparison between flaming, mowing and tillage weed control in the vineyard: Effects on plant community, diversity and abundance. PloS ONE, 15(8): e0238396.Documents numériques
article (2020)URLConsecuencias ecológicas y nutritivas de una continua reducción de la carga ganadera en pastos subalpinos: el caso de los pastos de Festuca eskia en el Parque Nacional de Aigüestortes (Pirineos españoles) / Rosario Fanlo in Bulletin de la Société d'histoire naturelle de Toulouse, hors-série (2023)
Titre : Consecuencias ecológicas y nutritivas de una continua reducción de la carga ganadera en pastos subalpinos: el caso de los pastos de Festuca eskia en el Parque Nacional de Aigüestortes (Pirineos españoles) Type de document : Imprimé Auteurs : Rosario Fanlo ; Montserrat Ros ; Benjamin Komac (1980-) Année de publication : 2023 Article en page(s) : 133-139 Langues : Espagnol (spa) Catégories : [CBNPMP-Thématique] Diversité botanique
[CBNPMP-Thématique] Pelouse mésophile (pâturages et prairies à foin mésophile)Résumé : Depuis le milieu du siècle dernier, l’abandon de l’activité pastorale est l’une des menaces dans les zones de haute montagne de l’Europe. Depuis des siècles ces communautés ont été utilisées par le bétail, et bien que ce soient des communautés semi-naturelles, elles sont assez stables quant à leur diversité, qualité fourragère et production, ce qui leur confère une valeur exceptionnelle. Cependant cette seule valeur peut se conserver (étant donné son caractère semi-naturel) si l’utilisation et la gestion de ces pâturages se maintiennent. Ce travail montre l’effet, sur une période d’échantillonnage de cinq ans, de la diminution de la charge pastorale estivale (de 0,72 à 0,18 UBG ha-1) pour différentes caractéristiques du système. Les résultats montrent que, tandis que la charge de pâturage diminue, il se produit une augmentation de la richesse spécifique (S, 13,4 vs 18,2), de l’index de Shannon (1,99 vs 2,13), de la diversité des espèces (7,1 vs 11,4) ainsi que du recouvrement végétal (de 90,8 à 95,5). Simultanément, la qualité fourragère (mesurée grâce à la méthode de la valeur pastorale, le contenu de matières azotées totales, de graisses et de phosphore dans la matière sèche) diminue pour la même période.
Desde mediados del siglo pasado, el abandono del uso pastoral es una de las amenazas en las zonas de alta montaña de Europa. Desde hace siglos las comunidades de pastos han sido utilizadas por el ganado, y aunque sean comunidades seminaturales, mantenían una buena estabilidad entre su diversidad, su calidad forrajera y producción, dándoles estas características un valor excepcional (reservorios de biodiversidad, forraje barato para la época estival, protección frente a la erosión, turismo, etc.). Sin embargo, este valor solo puede conservarse (dado su carácter seminatural) si se mantiene la gestión del pastoreo. En este trabajo se muestra el efecto, a lo largo de cinco años de muestreo, de la reducción paulatina de la carga ganadera soportada (de 0,72 a 0,18 UGM.ha-1) en pastos subalpinos de Festuca eskia del PN de Aigüestortes (Pirineos españoles), sobre diferentes características del sistema. Los resultados muestran que, mientras la carga ganadera disminuye, se produce un aumento de riqueza específica (S, 13,4 vs 18,2), índice de Shannon (1,99 vs 2,13), número de forbias no leguminosas (7,1 vs 11,4) y porcentaje de cobertura de la vegetación (90,8 a 95,5). Simultáneamente, la calidad del forraje (medida mediante el método florístico del Valor Pastoral, el contenido de proteína bruta, de grasa y de fósforo en la materia seca) disminuye en el mismo periodo.Permalink :
in Bulletin de la Société d'histoire naturelle de Toulouse > hors-série (2023) . - 133-139Fanlo, Rosario, Ros, Montserrat, Komac, Benjamin (1980-) 2023 Consecuencias ecológicas y nutritivas de una continua reducción de la carga ganadera en pastos subalpinos: el caso de los pastos de Festuca eskia en el Parque Nacional de Aigüestortes (Pirineos españoles). Bulletin de la Société d'histoire naturelle de Toulouse, hors-série: 133-139.Exemplaires (1)
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Communication (2023)Adobe Acrobat PDFLes différentes composantes de la biodiversité dans les prairies / Philippe Fleury in Acta botanica gallica, 143 (4-5) (1996)
PermalinkDiversité biologique et diversité culturelle / Philippe Descola in Aménagement et nature, 135 (12/1999)
PermalinkDynamique végétale sous l’influence de panneaux photovoltaïques sur deux sites prairiaux pâturés / Loan Madej (2020)
PermalinkFlore Sentinelle : Un réseau pour veiller au patrimoine végétal des Alpes / Noémie Fort in Biodiversité, des clés pour agir, 3 (2022)
PermalinkGenetically appropriate choices for plant materials to maintain biological diversity / Deborah L. Rogers (2004)
PermalinkHow weed management influence plant community composition, taxonomic diversity and crop yield: A long-term study in a Mediterranean vineyard / José-Garcia Guerra in Agriculture, ecosystems & environment, 326 (1 January 2022)
PermalinkLos pastos supraforestales de andorra: producción, calidad y diversidad / Marta Domènech in Bulletin de la Société d'histoire naturelle de Toulouse, hors-série (2023)
PermalinkLes méthodologies de conservation de la diversité plantes / André Charrier in Bulletin de la Société industrielle de Mulhouse, 819 (1990)
PermalinkOrganic farming increases functional diversity and ecosystem service provision of spontaneous vegetation in Mediterranean vineyar / Roser Rotchés Ribalta in Ecological indicators, 147 (2023)
PermalinkPeut-on augmenter la diversité botanique d'une prairie permanente en supprimant la fumure? / Bernard Jeangros in Revue suisse d'agriculture, 34 (6) (2002)