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'Fraxinus ornus (L.)' 

Titre : Fraxinus ornus in Europe: distribution, habitat, usage and threats Type de document : Extrait d'ouvrage Auteurs : Giovanni Caudullo ; Daniele De Rigo Editeur : Bruxelles : European Commission Année de publication : 2016 Importance : p. 100-101 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : [CBNPMP-Thématique] Plantes subspontanées, naturalisées, envahissantes Mots-clés : Fraxinus ornus (L.) Résumé : Fraxinus ornus L., commonly known as manna ash, is a small-medium deciduous tree, producing abundant large and scented inflorescences which attract several pollinating insects. Its range covers southern-western Europe with isolated population in South Turkey, western Syria and Lebanon, occurring typically in Mediterranean temperate hill and mountain mixed forests. It is a frugal and fast-growing plant, able to colonise open habitats, especially if disturbed by animal browsing, wildfires, landslides and logging. Manna ash forests are managed as mixed coppices for firewood production. In few rural areas of Sicily this ash is still cultivated for the production of manna, the crystallised sap, which has a bittersweet taste and it is used as sweetener, laxative and digestive. This plant does not have serious threats. Permalink : https://biblio.cbnpmp.fr/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=148995 Caudullo, Giovanni, De Rigo, Daniele 2016 Fraxinus ornus in Europe: distribution, habitat, usage and threats. In: European atlas of forest tree species. European Commission, Bruxelles: 100-101.Documents numériques
Chapitre (2016)Adobe Acrobat PDFThe comparison of the potential effect of climate change on the segment growth of Fraxinus ornus, Pinus nigra and Ailanthus altissima on shallow, calcareous soils / Attila Trájer in Applied ecology and environmental research, 14 (3) (2016)
Titre : The comparison of the potential effect of climate change on the segment growth of Fraxinus ornus, Pinus nigra and Ailanthus altissima on shallow, calcareous soils Type de document : Imprimé Auteurs : Attila Trájer ; Tamás Hammer ; Ákos Bede-Fazekas ; Judit Schoffhauzer ; Judit Padisák (1955-) Année de publication : 2016 Article en page(s) : 161-182 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : [CBNPMP-Thématique] Changement climatique
[CBNPMP-Thématique] Relations climat-végétation
[CBNPMP-Thématique] Plantes subspontanées, naturalisées, envahissantesMots-clés : Fraxinus ornus (L.) Pinus nigra Ailanthus altissima Résumé : Growth patterns of different plant species are primarily determined by edaphic factors, climate conditions and their species-specific adaptation properties. Changing sub-regional aridity trends due to the projected climate change like soil erosion and the invasion of alien plant species threaten the ligneous vegetation of karst areas. We aimed to study and model the potential effect of aridity on the growth rate of young individuals of the native Fraxinus ornus and its two important competitors, the exotic Pinus nigra and the aggressive invader Ailanthus altissima in a karstic forest-steppe of the Veszprém plateau, Hungary on different soil depths. Mean soil depth and the Thornthwaite agrometeorological index were used as covariates. Climate data were gained from the E-OBS gridded dataset for the period of 1950 to 2013 and from the MPI Echam5 climate model for the period of 2081 to 2100. We found significant correlation between the soil depth values and the measured heights and the average of monthly Thornthwaite agrometeorological indices. In conclusion, aridity and soil-depth have significant, but different effect on the growth patterns of the studied species. While the annual growth season of Pinus nigra and Fraxinus ornus are determined by the aridity of the months of January to May, and from February to June, respectively, the growth of Ailanthus altissima is mainly determined by the period of March to August. The climate prediction-based growth model predicts the decline of the growth patterns of each species for the 2081-2100 period in Hungary due to climate change. Lien pérenne : DOI : 10.15666/aeer/1403_161182 Permalink : https://biblio.cbnpmp.fr/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=148601
in Applied ecology and environmental research > 14 (3) (2016) . - 161-182Trájer, Attila, Hammer, Tamás, Bede-Fazekas, Ákos, Schoffhauzer, Judit, Padisák, Judit (1955-) 2016 The comparison of the potential effect of climate change on the segment growth of Fraxinus ornus, Pinus nigra and Ailanthus altissima on shallow, calcareous soils. Applied ecology and environmental research, 14(3): 161-182.Documents numériques
Article (2016)URLArbres II : guide en couleur feuillus caducifoliés des campagnes, des villes et des parcs / Alan Mitchell (1979)
Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 17950 Mitchell Carte Centre de documentation Tirés à part Consultable La dispersion. Déterminisme et conséquences. Approche théorique et expérimentale chez le frêne. / Stéphanie Brachet (1999)
Titre : La dispersion. Déterminisme et conséquences. Approche théorique et expérimentale chez le frêne. Type de document : Imprimé Auteurs : Stéphanie Brachet ; Université Paris-Sud (1970-2019) ; Ecole nationale du génie rural, des eaux et des forêts (ENGREF) (France) Année de publication : 1999 Importance : 65 p. Langues : Français (fre) Catégories : [CBNPMP-Thématique] Métapopulation
[CBNPMP-Thématique] Flux de gènes
[CBNPMP-Thématique] Structures des populations végétales
[CBNPMP-Thématique] Variabilité, analyse de l'ADN, polymorphisme
[CBNPMP-Thématique] Mode de diffusion des semencesMots-clés : Fraxinus excelsior (L.) Fraxinus ornus (L.) Permalink : https://biblio.cbnpmp.fr/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=76175 Brachet, Stéphanie, Université Paris-Sud (1970-2019), Ecole nationale du génie rural, des eaux et des forêts (ENGREF) (France) , 1999. La dispersion. Déterminisme et conséquences. Approche théorique et expérimentale chez le frêne. , . 65 pp.Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 7654 8420 Thèse et mémoire Centre de documentation Bibliothèque Consultable