Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (12)

African lovegrass - Eragrostis curvula / The State of Queensland, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (2016)
Titre : African lovegrass - Eragrostis curvula Type de document : Numérique Auteurs : The State of Queensland, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Année de publication : 2016 Importance : 4 p. Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : [CBNPMP-Géographique] Australie
[CBNPMP-Thématique] Plantes subspontanées, naturalisées, envahissantesMots-clés : Eragrostis curvula Permalink : The State of Queensland, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries , 2016. African lovegrass - Eragrostis curvula. , . 4 pp.Documents numériques
fiche (2016)Adobe Acrobat PDFAlligator weed control manual. Eradication and suppression of alligator weed (Alternanthera philoxeroides) in Australia / Elissa van Oosterhout (2007)
Titre : Alligator weed control manual. Eradication and suppression of alligator weed (Alternanthera philoxeroides) in Australia Type de document : Numérique Auteurs : Elissa van Oosterhout Editeur : NSW Department of Primary Industries Année de publication : 2007 Importance : 90 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-7347-1852-5 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : [CBNPMP-Géographique] Australie
[CBNPMP-Thématique] Plantes subspontanées, naturalisées, envahissantesMots-clés : Alternanthera philoxeroides Résumé : Alligator weed is one of the greatest threats to waterways, wetlands, floodplains and irrigation systems in Australia. As a weed that can grow both on land and in water and can tolerate a range of control methods – herbicides in particular – alligator weed has serious impacts worldwide and in Australia. Since its introduction to Australia at least 60 years ago, alligator weed has infested many hundreds of hectares of land and water. Now we are witnessing a steady spread of this weed into previously uninfested areas, with the knowledge that it has the potential to become far more widespread in this country. It is now critical to contain the spread of alligator weed, taking the opportunity to eradicate small, new or isolated outbreaks and suppress larger infestations. This publication brings together information and advice from over 30 years of research. The information has been reviewed by technical experts, managers and practitioners in order to extract the best and most effective advice for eradication, suppression and containment of alligator weed in Australia. This manual provides the most comprehensive advice to those managing alligator weed in Australia, and I recommend it to all weed control authorities. Permalink : Oosterhout, Elissa van , 2007. Alligator weed control manual. Eradication and suppression of alligator weed (Alternanthera philoxeroides) in Australia. NSW Department of Primary Industries, [S.l.]. 90 pp.Documents numériques
Livre (2007)URLBiodiversity impacts of Chilean needle grass Nassella neesiana on Australia’s indigenous grasslands / Ian Guthrie Faithfull (2012)
Titre : Biodiversity impacts of Chilean needle grass Nassella neesiana on Australia’s indigenous grasslands Type de document : Numérique Auteurs : Ian Guthrie Faithfull Editeur : Victoria University Année de publication : 2012 Importance : 206 p. Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : [CBNPMP-Géographique] Australie
[CBNPMP-Thématique] Plantes subspontanées, naturalisées, envahissantesMots-clés : Nassella neesiana Résumé : The exotic invasive Chilean needle grass Nassella. neesiana (Trin. & Rupr.) Barkworth has been recognised as a major threat to biodiversity in the endangered natural grasslands of south-eastern Australia. Research was undertaken in Canberra and Melbourne grasslands to examine mechanisms by which N. neesiana invades native grasslands, the impacts of invasion on vascular plant and invertebrate biodiversity and mechanisms of impact. Time series analysis of historical aerial photographs demonstrated that invasion was absent or very slow when infestations abutted healthy grassland, but grasslands in poor condition experienced linear infestation expansion rates >5 m per year. A field experiment demonstrated that major disturbance (death of the native grasses) was required for N. neesiana recruitment from panicle seeds and that intact grassland was not invaded, even with high propagule pressure. Gaps of c. 1 m (as opposed to 10-30 cm) were required for establishment. Pin transect sampling demonstrated that increased senescence of Themeda triandra swards correlated with greater invasion. Nassella neesiana was found to deplete soil water in spring compared to T. triandra, a likely mechanism of biodiversity impact. Areas occupied by N. neesiana in three disparate grasslands were found to have significantly reduced native vascular plant diversity (species m-2). Diversity decreased with increasing size of the N. neesiana patch. Forbs were the most affected group but one or more dominant grasses were absent at the smallest patch sizes. Exotic plant diversity was similar inside and outside patches. Analysis of sweep net samples determined that invertebrate populations and species richness were significantly reduced in N. neesiana grassland, although numerous native insect species consume the plant. Much of the loss of diversity in invaded areas probably precedes invasion and is caused by anthropogenic disturbances including T. triandra senescence dieback, mowing and major soil disturbance. Native grasslands in good condition are resistant to invasion. En ligne : Permalink : Faithfull, Ian Guthrie , 2012. Biodiversity impacts of Chilean needle grass Nassella neesiana on Australia’s indigenous grasslands. Victoria University, [S.l.]. 206 pp.Documents numériques
Thèse (2012)Adobe Acrobat PDFHoney locust : Gleditsia triacanthos including cultivars and varieties / The State of Queensland, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (2017)
Titre : Honey locust : Gleditsia triacanthos including cultivars and varieties Type de document : Numérique Auteurs : The State of Queensland, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Année de publication : 2017 Importance : 4 p. Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : [CBNPMP-Géographique] Australie
[CBNPMP-Thématique] Plantes subspontanées, naturalisées, envahissantesMots-clés : Gleditsia triacanthos L., 1753 Permalink : The State of Queensland, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries , 2017. Honey locust : Gleditsia triacanthos including cultivars and varieties. , . 4 pp.Documents numériques
Fiche (2017)Adobe Acrobat PDFMediterranean type vegetaton of S.W. Australia, Chile, and mediterranean basin, a comparison / Sandro Pignatti (1985)
Titre : Mediterranean type vegetaton of S.W. Australia, Chile, and mediterranean basin, a comparison Type de document : Tiré à part de revue Auteurs : Sandro Pignatti (1930-) ; Erika Pignatti Wikus (1929-) Année de publication : 1985 Importance : 227-243 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : [CBNPMP-Géographique] Australie
[CBNPMP-Géographique] Chili
[CBNPMP-Géographique] Bassin méditerranéenPermalink : Pignatti, Sandro (1930-), Pignatti Wikus, Erika (1929-) 1985 Mediterranean type vegetaton of S.W. Australia, Chile, and mediterranean basin, a comparison. Annali di Botanica, 43 : 227-243.Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 22487 Pignatti S. Tiré à part Centre de documentation Tirés à part Consultable PermalinkA new name for a widespread and misunderstood species of Verbena (Verbenaceae) / Peter W. Michael in Telopea, 6 (2-3) (December 1995)
PermalinkPlant species of the Central European flora as aliens in Australia / Megan L. Phillips in Preslia, 82 (2010)
PermalinkSeasonal life-history models for the integrated management of the invasive weed nodding thistle Carduus nutans in Australia / Katriona Shea in Journal of applied ecology, 43 (2006)
PermalinkThe potential for classical biological control of invasive grass species with special reference to invasive Sporobolus spp. (Poaceae) in Australia / ABR Witt (2004)
PermalinkTravaux de botanique et d'écologie / Louis Emberger (1971)
PermalinkWestern Australia's ex situ program for threatened species : a model integrated strategy of conservation / Anne Cochrane (2004)